Fostering environmental stewardship through hands-on conservation expeditions

Our Eco Planet was founded in 2019 to help bridge the gap between science and conservation and the public. We actively engage the community in hands-on conservation and are dedicated to fostering environmental stewardship.

Bridging the Gap

Our conservation expeditions provide a unique platform for the community to actively preserve our planet's biodiversity and bridge the gap between scientists and the community! 

Conservation Impact

Each expedition with Our Eco Planet is an opportunity to make an impact. Join us to acquire new skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and partake firsthand in conservation.

Join Our Community

No matter who you are or where you come from, Our Eco Planet invites you to join us!

Meet the Team

  • Ida Kaller-Vincent


    Ida founded Our Eco Plantet to bridge the gap between science and the public and promote environmental stewardship. She is a marine and wildlife biologist dedicated to preserving endangered and threatened species and their habitats. A central focus of her career has been collaborating with local communities across diffrent countries to develop sustainable solutions that align conservation efforts with community needs and socio-economic considerations, facilitating equitable participation of local communities in conservation initiatives.

  • Zinthia López Vázquez


    Zinthia is a biologist specializing in environmental education, sustainability, and tourism. She is an avid bird enthusiast and field guide leading birdwatching trips in Mexico. She is a founding member and the first president of Amazilias, a women's birdwatchers network in Mexico. Zinthia lives in Lo de Marcos and works in local schools providing environmental education, particularly on migratory marine life and conservation. She also works closely with the Turtle Conservation project in Lo de Marcos, offering guidance and support to the project.

  • Danielle Tentschert


    Danielle is an environmental educator dedicated to developing programs, field excursions, and curricula focused on marine conservation for local schools in San Diego, USA, and Nayarit, Mexico. She has a passion for ocean conservation and has conducted field research on marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the USA, Mexico, Belize, and Africa.

  • Shailey Heller


    Shailey is a conservationist who leads outreach and community programs that enable volunteers, citizen scientists, and local groups to participate in marine conservation. Her leadership helps create a strong link between communities and the mission to protect ocean health. Shailey is passionate about environmental education and is devoted to promoting knowledge of marine ecosystems.